Doula Tiffany Gorman is a certified doula, lactation specialist, and Evidence Based Birth instructor. She’s partnering with Partum in the new year to offer The Savvy Birth Workshop from Evidence Based Birth (EBB) for expecting families in Chicago.
Here, she shares more about the course, what inspired her to become an EBB instructor, her top advice for families, and more.
1. How long have you been a doula?
I’ve been a doula for 4 years.
2. Why did you get involved with Evidence Based Birth?
Whenever I was looking for information about birthing, EBB was always suggested by other doula friends. I first became a professional member. They have mentoring for doulas, classes, and trainings. One day I got an email about a cohort for their instructor training. I jumped on the opportunity. What I am most impressed with EBB is their commitment to speaking out loudly about the devastating effects racism has on birth outcomes for Black women and women of color. This is not a side issue for Evidence Based Birth, it is a main focus.
3. Who is The Savvy Birth Workshop for?
This workshop is for first-time parents who have questions, and for parents who may not have had the birth they desired and want new tools.
4. What are some of the most common questions you get from clients?
Clients often ask what they are allowed to do in the birthing room. They have friends who were told they could not to eat, or move around. They have questions about the need for a birth plan: is it important, what should it include, and how do you make sure it is followed?
5. If you could give expecting families one piece of advice, what would it be?
My advice to families is to know your options before laboring begins. Understanding what is available for your birth leaves the decision-making to you and not others in the room. Birthing people are competent people with personal autonomy and need to be listened to at all times.
6. Is there anything else you'd like readers to know?
The numbers of Black birthing people and Black babies dying is unconscionable and not a Black problem. It is an American problem and birth justice is a fight we all must be using our dollars and energy to win. Studies have shown doulas help decrease Black maternal mortality rates. Reach out to local organizations that help Black birthing people have access to doula care. The Chicago South Side Birth Center is one great organization to support.
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